5K-The Olympians
Miss A Kolaitis
Miss K Hardman
'Education is one thing no one can take away from you.'
Welcome to our class page!
In 5K, we uphold the Cherry Fold ethos of Enjoy, Respect and Succeed throughout all aspects of school life in our calm and nurturing learning environment. Together, we will combine hard work with lots of fun, empowering us to become confident, passionate and successful learners.
Our learning this term will involve some fantastic topics such as becoming geographers by studying the Amazon Rainforest, In science, we will be looking at the stages of human growth. In PSHE, our topic is 'Keeping Safe' and in RE, we will be looking at Hinduism.
See our full curriculum below.
Please make sure you are connected to both Class Dojo and Parentmail so you don't miss out on any updates from school - these include after school clubs. Finally, please do not hesitate to contact me with any problems or concerns you may be experiencing. You can message on Class Dojo or make an appointment at the school office.
We are looking forward to another busy term where we are continuing to strive to be the best we can be!
Miss Kolaitis and Miss Hardman
Year 5 Long Term Overview
Year 5 Curriculum Map
Weekly Time Table
Children will have a reading book chosen by themselves appropriate to their ZPD reading level.
Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where we encourage you to write comments on their reading.
Your child will also be given many opportunities throughout the week to read a variety of texts and will then undertake an online quiz to assess their understanding of the text.
Please could I ask that you support your child’s reading progress by listening to them read 2-3 times a week.
Our Class Novel
In Year 5, children are expected to complete times tables and spelling practise for homework.
Please encourage your children to complete homework regularly as this will support learning in English and Maths.
Times Tables
Times tables should be completed on 'TT Rockstars'- children will have their login details in their reading records.
Please ask if you require these details again.
You can log in to your TTRockstars account here using your username and password:
Spellings will be given each week to practise ready for the weekly test on a Friday.
This term children will be looking at the year 5 common exception words which they are required to know by the end of the year.
Please see below for the weekly list of words for this Autumn term.
Check here to see some of the fabulous work we do in year 5
RE: Christianity- God:
Considering the importance of forgiveness
History - World War 1:
History - Anglo Saxons:
Science - Forces:
Investigating air resistance
Science - Animals including Humans:
Comparing life cycles
PE - Gymnastics:
Creating a sequence using different ways of balance, movement and jumping.
PE - Invasion Games:
Football - to dribble and pass the ball with control.
Art - Digital Media:
Using a range of different media to create a piece of artwork.
I will be out of class on Wednesday afternoons where children will be taught history and French.
Get ready for lots of enjoyable activities!
It is important to note that your child can bring a healthy snack to eat at break times such as fruit or vegetables. We also encourage regular drinks throughout the day, cups will be provided for your child to use. However, they may bring something else to drink with their packed lunch.
Debt Aware
In year 5 we will be participating in the debt aware programme which is designed to:
- develop in young people a sound and sensible attitude towards money
- provide them with a basic knowledge and understanding of finances, thereby providing a
route to financial autonomy - enable them to make sound financial decisions
- raise awareness in young people of the importance of planning for the future
PE will take place every
Monday PM(outdoor) and
Friday AM -Swimming (indoor)
It is important that a full indoor and outdoor kit is in school ready for your child’s lesson.
Swimming: Please ensure your child brings a swimming costume/swim shorts, towel and a swim cap for children with long hair.
Also earrings MUST be removed for PE and swimming lessons for health and safety.