Welcome to Nursery
We are ‘The Little Stars’
We follow the Cherry Fold values: Enjoy, Respect, Succeed!
Welcome to CherryFold Primary School's nursery class where you will find Mrs McDonnell (Nursery Teacher) and Mrs Cullen (Learning Support Assistant). We are also sometimes known as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
During your time in our nursery you will meet new friends, develop your independence skills, grow in confidence as well as learning lots of new exciting things.
In nursery you can attend the morning or afternoon session. We also offer 30 hours education. In nursery we learn lots of new things and we like to learn through play. We build confidence and develop relationships with our friends and teachers. We take part in small group work to learn phonics, numbers, sing songs and lots of other things. We focus on speaking and listening skills, fine and gross motor skills and working as a team.
To support you on your learning journey, we hope that you will get help from your parents and carers. They can talk to you about your nursery day, encourage you to be independent in your personal hygiene and dressing, such as putting on your own coat, and they can read a story to you before you go to bed.
We use Class Dojo to send pictures and messages home about what you have been doing and all the fantastic achievements you have made!
We want you to have fun whilst learning. Remember - Enjoy, Respect, Succeed!
The Little Stars of 2024-25
have been having fun over the last few weeks making friends and trying new things.
We have been enjoying some sunshine, making biscuits and having fun at Forest School.
Please encourage your child to hold any mark making tools in their dominant hand and between their thumb and index finger.
Please sing songs with your children and ensure they have a story each night before bed.
Please encourage daily counting with your child and looking at shapes in the environment. Talk about the sides and corners the shapes have.
Please have daily conversations with your child about what they do at Nursery each day. This encourages their conversational skills.
Please talk to your child about the importance of brushing their teeth and ensure this is done twice daily.
Independence is a key skill in Nursery. Please encourage your child to put their own coat on and take it off.
Key Texts
Farmyard Hullabaloo
Dear Zoo
Animal encyclopaedia
Walking through the jungle
Old Macdonald
Driving my tractor
Animal boogie
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Everleigh-Posie and Ayla who will turn 3 and Tobias who will turn 4 this half term.
Key Dates
Nursery playgroup for 1-3 year olds – Tuesday 4th March 1.30pm-2.30pm
Nursery stay and learn – Friday 28th March
Morning session 10.45am-11.45am
Afternoon session 2.15pm- 3.15pm
Nursery playgroup for 1-3 year olds – Tuesday 1st April
Term finishes at 1.30pm on Friday 4th April
PE this half term will be on a Monday for morning sessions and Tuesday for afternoon sessions. Your child DOES NOT need a PE kit on this day. We will go to the hall and take part in games to build our fundamental skills. These are:
- Running
- Throwing
- Catching
- Jumping
- Hopping
- Climbing
We have outside time every day to practice these fundamental skills. We enjoy learning how to play team games, negotiate space and practice our balancing.
We continue to ask that you pay a weekly contribution of £1. This helps to pay for an additional daily snack, baking activities and any special occasions we may celebrate. You can pay this termly or weekly. Thank you.
Your child will receive subsidised milk and fruit daily.
Don't forget if you would like your child to have milk you have to complete an online form. Information is available from the office.
Topic- Amazing animals
This half term we will be learning all about animals; pets, those that live in the local area, at the farm and in the zoo. The children will be learning how to take care of them, what they like to eat and what their babies are called. We will be encouraging the children to independently follow the rules and routines of Nursery as well as how to solve conflicts and use words to express how we feel. The children will be working as a team to create, communicating ideas and opinions. The children will be sharing key stories, including Farmyard Hullabaloo and Dear Zoo, where they will looking at the habitats that the animals prefer. The children will be practicing early counting skills and representing numbers, as well as quick recognition of small numbers, subitising. We will be exploring our environment indoors and outdoors and welcoming new friends to Nursery.
In Nursery we encourage positive behaviour and talk about what is acceptable and unacceptable. We also use a star chart system and when your child receives 10 stars they will get a prize.
Nursery curriculum map - Spring 2
Skills progression and long term plan 2024-2025