Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Classes
  3. 2M - The Colour Monsters

Welcome to The Colour Monsters Y2M

Enjoy Respect Succeed 


Hello and welcome to the class page of The Colour Monsters.

My name is Mr Maclean and I am class teacher of Y2M. Mrs Adams also teaches our class every Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday. Mrs Harrison works in our classroom every day and she supports us with our work.

In class, we are learning to enjoyrespect and succeed in all the work we do! We are going to learn about lots of exciting things this half term. 

Our class contains enthusiastic, happy and charismatic children. We aim to work hard, but laugh a lot along the way!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school or at the door upon collection.


Mr Maclean, Mrs Harrison and Miss Greenwood


Children will have a reading book chosen by themselves appropriate to their reading level. Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where you can write comments on their reading daily. Your child will also be given many opportunities throughout the week to read with an adult. Books will be changed every Thursday.

Your child will also choose a pleasure for reading book on Thursday. This can be enjoyed at bedtime, snuggled up on the sofa or enjoyed with family. 

PPA Time

Mr Maclean is out of class all day Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. For these sessions, Mrs Adams will be in class to continue to develop their learning. I am sure they will have lots of fun with her too.

Author of the Term

Julia Donaldson


In Year 2, children are expected to complete homework on an electronical device. 

Your child will have login details for Times Table Rockstars. They are expected to access the app regularly to support them with learning their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 

As well as this, your child will read every evening as well as practise their weekly spelling words.


Weekly spellings will be every Friday. You should practise these throughout the week, ready to be tested on these on Friday morning.

You will find a copy of these spellings at the beginning of their reading records. 


Outdoor PE will take place every Monday and our indoor session is on Thursday.

The children must have a PE kit in school. During this cold term, children can wear plain tracksuit bottoms and a jumper/hoodie.

We will send it home at the end of every half term. 

As you can imagine, we have a lot of kit. Please ensure your child's kit is clearly labelled with your child's name or initials and Y2M. 


It is important to note your child can bring a healthy snack at break times such as fruit or vegetables and milk.  We also encourage your child to bring water to drink in class throughout the day, but they may bring something else to drink with their packed lunch. 

Your child may bring a water bottle from home which can stay in school and we will send them home every Friday to be washed. 

Apple - Wikipedia     Banana equivalent dose - Wikipedia

Our Class Novel

Wind in the Willows

Year 2 Long Term Overview 

Spring 2 Learning Overview 

Our learning so far... 


Roald Dahl Day in the Colour Monsters... 

Role playing Rosa Parks' Early Life

Painting Different Textures

PSHE Life Education

In February, we were visited by Life Education in order to learn about how to keep safe. The children really enjoyed their session and were able to meet Harold The Giraffe!