Welcome to
The Little Pirates
Hello and welcome to the class page of The Little Pirates.
My name is Miss Forsyth and I am class teacher of Year 1F. Our class is supported by the wonderful Miss Berry and Miss Swiney
Our class contains enthusiastic, happy and charismatic children. We aim to work hard, but laugh a lot along the way!
Keep up to date with our learning journey by checking back on this page regularly. It does contain some important information.
Enjoy! Respect! Succeed!
PE will take place every Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has a full P.E. kit in school.
All earrings and other jewellery must be removed.
Miss Forsyth will be in class from Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Mills will be in class on Tuesday and all day Friday. I am certain the children will enjoy all of or exciting and creative lessons!
Our Class Story is:
A range of stories by Rachel Bright
Author of the term is...
Rachel Bright
Year 1 long term plan
Rainbow spellings will be assessed every Friday. Please help your child to practise these throughout the week to be ready for the Friday morning test!
It is important to note that your child will be provided with a daily snack. However, children can bring a healthy snack for afternoon playtime such as fruit or vegetables. We also encourage your child to drink water in class throughout the day. Please provide a plastic bottle filled with water only. Milk is also available upon application.
Children will have a reading book appropriate to their reading level and a book chosen by themselves to read for pleasure. Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where you can write comments on their reading daily. Please do listen to your child read on a regular basis. It is important to take time to read to your child too. I say 'little but often' is the best way to engage those children!
By the end of year 1 your child will have taken the National Phonics Screening Check.
In year 1 we will focus on learning number bonds to 10 and 20.
We encourage you to read three times per week with your child. This supports your child to read smoothly.
Year 1F in action
Seasonal Changes - Autumn
Computing - Digital Painting