Welcome to
4B-The Mad Hatters
We follow the Cherry Fold values, Enjoy, Respect, Succeed!
Meet the Staff
Miss Bux
Mrs Rehman
During your time in Y4, you will grow into an independent learner, aim to be more resourceful and resilient, make new discoveries about the wider world and develop lasting memories!
We follow a theme based curriculum in Y4, through which you will learn National Curriculum skills. Each half term, our theme changes so that you will be involved in lots of different activities, to enable you to become a better learner and achieve your potential. Examples of our topics in Y4 include; Anglo Saxons, The Vikings and Burnley v Barcelona. We ensure your learning is enhanced by engaging in Enrichment days/Activities. We have a Viking visitor coming in to spend the day with us, and, during our topic, Endangered, we have a visitor bringing lots of animals coming too! This also links with our science. As well as all that, we engage in stimulating activities in our Forest schools, making the most of our exciting outdoor learning environment.
In Year 4, we are encouraged to make our writing creative and exciting. We follow the Lancashire English Units and study novels linked to our topics such as: The Mousehole Cat, The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster and Gulliver’s Travels which inspire our writing further. Additionally, we use Acceleread to help us improve our reading, taking quizzes once we have completed novels and gain as many points as we can, the more we gain, the deeper our understanding! In maths, we follow the Lancashire Red Rose Maths Mastery Scheme, which deepens our understanding of key concepts. By the end of Y4 we will have taken the National Multiplication tables check and are Times Tables Wizards after having learnt up to our 12x tables!
To support you on your learning journey, we hope that you will receive help from your parents and carers. They can do this by listening to you read, helping you to learn your spellings and times tables.
Finally, we use Class Dojo to send pictures and messages home about what you have been learning and all the fantastic achievements you have made!
We want you to have fun whilst learning. Remember Enjoy, Respect, Succeed!
Children will have a reading book chosen by themselves appropriate to their reading level. Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where you can write comments on their reading daily. Your child will also be given many opportunities throughout the week to read a variety of texts and will then undertake an online quiz to assess their understanding of the text.
Authour of the term:
Roald Dahl
PPA Time
Miss Kauser will be teaching on a Tuesday afternoon - RE and PE.
In Year 4, children are expected to complete spellings each week ready for their test on a Monday, along with daily times tables ready for their test on a Friday!
Weekly spellings will be every Monday. You should practice these throughout the week, ready for our test the following Monday morning!
PE will take place every Tuesday and Friday.
Please ensure a full kit is in school ready for your child’s lesson.
Please ensure all jewellery is removed before lessons.
It is important to note your child can bring a healthy snack at break times such as fruit or vegetables. We also encourage your child to bring water to drink in class throughout the day, but they may bring something else to drink with their packed lunch.
In English we are reading The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster by Lari Don.
The Loch Ness Monster
This half term we will be finding out all about the Loch Ness Monster, in order to create a magazine article about whether it is real or not..... We will be looking at different stories and non fiction writing to help us with this!
In science we are looking at electricity.
Key Vocabulary for electricity:
electricity, circuit, switch, battery, plug, mains, appliance, device, wire, crocodile clip, bulb, buzzer, connection, power, cell
Key vocabulary for working scientifically: practical work, fair testing, relationships, accurate, thermometer, data logger, stopwatch, timer, estimate, data, diagram,
identification key, chart, bar chart, prediction, similarity, difference, evidence, information, findings, criteria, values, properties,
characteristics, conclusion, explanation, reason, evaluate, improve.
PSHE – Living in the wider world – Being my best.
This half term we will be looking at how we can be our best.
We will be looking at what makes us all unique and why it is important that we appreciate our uniqueness.
We will be discussing and having a go at making decisions and deciding whether we can make decisions just for us or is it based on what others might choose.
To look at how we as individuals can make a positive impact on an environment.
During RE we will be investigating Hinduism.
Curriculum Map
Below is the curriculum map for Autumn 1. Please find included the exciting things we will be learning about this term!
Year 4 Common Exception Words
Common exception words are a key aspect of the KS2 English Curriculum. Children can practise these words which will help their school work and throughout the curriculum, as well as in independent writes.