Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Classes
  3. 3W-The Willy Wonkas

3W-The Willy Wonkas - Mrs Woods and Mrs Bamford


Dream, Believe, Achieve


A huge welcome to Year 3. I am Mrs Woods and I can not wait to share and support your child on their journey through this coming year. We will work hard, have lots of fun and continue to become resourceful and resilient learners. Weekly updates will be posted on Class Dojo of our learning for you to enjoy and share our exciting moments and achievements. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school or speak to me on the door.

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed


Children will have a reading book chosen by themselves appropriate to their reading level. Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where you can write comments on their reading daily. Your child will also be given many opportunities throughout the week to read a variety of texts and will then undertake an online quiz to assess their understanding of the text.

PPA Time

I will be out of class on a Thursday afternoon

Miss Holt will cover RE and PE and I'm sure they will have lots of fun!


Weekly spellings will be sent home every Monday. You should learn these throughout the week, ready for our test on Friday morning!

Times Tables

You can log in to your TTRockstars account here using your username and password:



For homework children are expected to read their book daily, complete 25 minutes on Times Tables Rockstars and learn their weekly spellings. Children will also choose a reading for pleasure book which they can read and enjoy at home. 



PE will take place every Wednesday and Friday

Please ensure a full kit is in school ready for your child’s lesson.


It is important to note your child can bring a healthy snack at break times such as fruit or vegetables.  We also encourage your child to bring water to drink in class throughout the day, but they may bring something else to drink with their packed lunch. 

Class Novel

Year 3 Long Term Overview

Curriculum Maps


Our learning journey...

The day we met the mighty Clarets #BEST DAY EVER