Welcome to
5R - The Munchkins
Miss Rawnsley
Welcome to 5R!
In 5R we endeavor to engage with the Year 5 curriculum whilst encouraging resilience, self-management, reflection, resourcefulness and independence to allow us to underpin the school values which we abide by daily;
Children will have a reading book chosen by themselves appropriate to their reading level. Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where you can write comments on their reading daily. Your child will also be given many opportunities throughout the week to read a variety of texts and will then undertake an online quiz to assess their understanding of the text.
PPA Time
Miss Kausor will be teaching 5R on a Tuesday morning and a Wednesday afternoon.
In Year 5, children are expected to complete two pieces of homework a week. The children will need to practice their spellings and log in to TT rock stars weekly.
Spellings and Times Tables
Every week, children will have a spelling and time table test on Friday morning. These will be provided for the children the previous Friday and practiced in school during the week.
PE will take place every Thursday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).
Please make sure children have the correct PE kit ready for each week.
Children are provided with a piece of fruit every day in KS2. Instead, you may wish to send them with a healthy snack. We also encourage your child to bring a bottle of water to drink in class throughout the day.
What we are reading...
This term, we are reading 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' by C.S. Lewis as we explore all things WW1.
Our Curriculum - Spring 1 Curriculum Map
Year 5 Long Term Plan
Year 5 Common Exception Words
These are the words that the children will be tested on every term - they will feature in the weekly spelling tests as well. Please practice at home!
Presenting our WW1 findings
Please enjoy 5R's presentation of their findings all about WW1 - we included information about artefacts, the Battle of the Somme, the Treaty of Versailles and what life was like in the trenches to name a few.
PE Gallery
This term, we are demonstrating sequences in Gymnastics by counter balancing with our partners.