Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Classes
  3. 2W-Gruffalos

Welcome to

The Gruffalos Y2W

It is a pleasure to welcome your children to The Gruffalos

 We love learning and our classroom promotes

Enjoyment, Respect and Success.

Class Dojo is updated regularly with photographs and videos of our learning.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school or at the door upon collection.

 Miss Wilson


Children will have a reading book chosen by themselves appropriate to their reading level. Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where you can write comments on their reading daily. Your child will also be given many opportunities    throughout the week to read a variety of texts. The children also choose a book from our reading corner.

PPA Time

Miss Wilson is out of class on a Thursday afternoon.

During this time the children have Religious Education with and PE with Mrs. Mills

Half Termly Curriculum Overview 


In Year 2, children will be focusing on reading their reading book at least three times a week. We will be sending some homework books home later in the term.



Weekly spellings will be every Friday. You should practise these throughout the week, ready to be tested on these on the following Friday Morning. 

As Mathematicians

In Maths this term we will be looking at numbers 0 – 50, reading and writing numbers in numerals and words.  We will be looking at place value, tens and units within a number and making numbers. This will involve using a variety of different materials to represent the given number. We will be learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and have weekly tests. Further to this, the children will apply the skills taught to solve problems.



In English

 In English this half term we will be reading books with a familiar setting. Our main text is ‘The way home for Wolf’ by Rachel Bright. We will learn key skills such as Capital letters, full stops and finger spacing which will allow us to write our own version of the story.  Following this, we will be studying the features of non-chronological reports in order to produce our own report based on wolves.


PE will take place every Monday  and

Thursday. PE kits are to remain in school.


It is important to note your child can bring a healthy snack at break times such as fruit or vegetables and milk.  We also encourage your child to bring water to drink in class throughout the day, but they may bring something else to drink with their packed lunch. 

The pupils can bring their own bottle of water each day.


Our Author of the Term

Roald Dahl


Our Class Novel


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Roald Dahl Day 2024

Our Class Assembly

Wednesday 12th March 2025

Our Learning...






Rosa Parks

Schools In The Past



Design and Technology