Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Our School
  2. Admissions


Welcome to Cherry Fold's Admissions page.

We know that choosing a school for your child is a very important decision. Thank you for you and your family's interest in becoming part of the Cherry Fold community. We are hugely proud of our school an​d would love to show you all that makes it special. Please have a look at our website and Facebook page. We would be delighted to welcome you into school and parents are highly encouraged to make an appointment to visit the school before making a decision to send their child to Cherry Fold. Please contact our school office staff who will be able to help with questions, queries and visits. 

Nursery Age Children

When your child turns 3 they are eligible for 15 hours free childcare. We currently offer this for a morning session 8:45 - 11:45 or an afternoon session 12:30 - 15:30. If you would like a place for your child, please come to the school office and ask for an application pack. Please  bring your child's birth certificate. Applications can be filled out before your child is 3 in order to to reserve a place.

 Nursery Admissions - Lancashire County Council

Reception Age Children

Children enter school in our Reception class  in the September of the school year in which they turn five. 

Parents should apply on-line in the autumn term before the child is due to start school. The deadline is mid January and offers are finalised in mid April.

Reception Admissions - Lancashire County Council

Children from Year 1 to Year 6

Please complete the in year admissions form on the Lancashire Council COuncil website. Application forms for children in Years 1-6 can also be collected from our school office. If places are unavailable, your child will be placed on the waiting list until one does become available.


In year admissions - Lancashire County Council

If the a year group if full, parents can find information about the appeal process through the following link: