Religious Education
Religious Education develops pupil’s knowledge and understanding of, and their ability to respond to Christianity and the other principle religions presented in Great Britain. By exploring issues within and across faiths, pupils learn to understand and respect different religions, beliefs, values and traditions (including ethical life stances), and their influence on individuals, societies, communities and cultures. (Lancashire Agreed Syllabus)
Religious Education at Cherry Fold school is taught in accordance with the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus 'Searching for Meaning'. This curriculum is taught from Reception to Year 6 and sets out the curriculum intent and implementation to support all pupils. The basis of the curriculum is Christianity to reflect the main religious traditions in Great Britain but also takes into account the teachings and practices of the other principal traditions represented here. Religious Education supports Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development and fundamental British values by looking at life questions, values, right and wrong and the preparing of children as citizens in a multicultural society.
Our pupils come from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds and we ensure that our teaching about religions and worldviews is fair and balanced. The taught syllabus is not designed to convert pupils, or to promote a particular religion or religious belief. We feel it is important to promote mutual respect and understanding of religious and cultural differences.
Here at Cherry Fold we believe that in this increasingly diverse society it essential for pupils to study religious and non-religious world views so that they have the knowledge to make sense of the world in which they live.
In the EYFS we look at; Special times: How and why do we celebrate? What times are special to different people and why?, Special stories: Why are some stories special? What special messages can we learn from stories? and Special places: What buildings and places are special different people?
Over the three terms we use Christianity in the main and compare with the other two progressive religions Islam and Hindu Dharma as well as world views to answer the questions, while also relating to their own personal knowledge and experiences. Religious Education in the EYFS contributes to the Early Learning Goals in Understanding the World; People, Culture and Communities. It also supports progression across other areas of learning.
We use a range of resources, visits and visitors to develop children’s language and questioning skills, as well as an understanding of the people in their community and in the wider world.
Religious Education at Cherry Fold in pictures.
Receptions trip to St Matthews church.