Physical Education
We are very proud to have won the Burnley Active Awards Primary School of the Year Award (2023) and to be runners up at the Lancashire Active Awards.
At Cherry Fold, we believe in a high-quality physical education curriculum which inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Our curriculum provides opportunities to compete in sport and other activities to build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Our curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for a sustained period of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy and active lives
We use the Lancashire APP for PE Passport which is a portable Physical Education planning, assessment and tracking tool designed to enable all our class teachers to deliver enjoyable, active and high quality sessions through the Lancashire PE Scheme of work. Each lesson contains clear, progressive learning objectives; adaptable activities and other resources including videos to support the delivery of our PE curriculum.
Children who are identified as working below ARE may have specific needs which contribute to their difficulty in this area. Where needs are specifically related to a Special Educational Need or Disability, specific and targeted support will be outlined and reviewed through the child’s EHCP and/ or Pupil Progress Meetings; elements of which may be recommended by external agencies.
It is also important to recognise that children identified as having SEND may not always be the least able in PE and could excel in the subject. Pupil’s attainment will be assessed in a subject-specific manner and based on their strengths rather than barriers.