Our team at Cherry Fold have been dedicated to devise a curriculum that enthuses our children, strengthens their skill levels as well as widening their knowledge.
We aim to deliver high quality holistic geography which inspires children and increases curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Throughout the year groups, children will be equipped with knowledge about diverse places and people and investigate both human and natural resources. They will also gain an understanding of the Earth's key physical and human processes. This scheme of work has been selected through careful planning and procission to ensure the units are woven together to create engaging and purposeful learning experiences that will be memorable for the children whilst building on their skills and knowledge as a geographer.
Each six-lesson unit combines a range of skills to ensure children understand the different elements of geography: Locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical features, weather, fieldwork and mapping.Throuhgout their geography learning, they will encounter units within both key stages were they will compare and contrast a country in the Uk as well as a European country or non-european country focusing on what life is like as a British citizen. We have also incorporated local geography opportunities into the curriculum where they fit.
Our approach to geography is:
- To equip the children with geographical skills through enquiry based lessons.
- To use Oddizzi to enhance geography through use ofProviding a videos, images and quizzes to deepen their understanding of
different places around the world as well as the study of human and physical geography.
- Providing a curriculum that is progressive to all and builds on the vocabulary and foundations of previous learning.
• To provide links within the local area where it is suitable and supports the curriculum in a positive manner.
Children who are identified as working below ARE may have specific needs which contribute to their difficulty in this area. Where needs are specifically related to a Special Educational Need or Disability, specific and targeted support will be outlined and reviewed through the child’s EHCP and/ or Pupil Progress Meetings; elements of which may be recommended by external agencies.
It is also important to recognise that children identified as having SEND may not always be the least able in Geography and could excel in the subject. Pupil’s attainment will be assessed in a subject-specific manner and based on their strengths rather than barriers.