Early Years
The Early Years is Nursery and Reception at Cherry Fold Community Primary School, when a child is 3, 4 and 5 years of age. It is 'The Early Years Foundation Stage'.
We teach 7 areas of learning and these are split into two sections.
Prime areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional development
- Physical development
- Communication and Language
Specific areas
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Running through our curriculum are the characteristics of effective learning. We monitor the way children play, learn and interact in the environment and with their peers. Our teaching, provision and practice reflects these characteristics and we adapt to meet the needs of each child.
- Playing and exploring - This is where children will investigate and experience things, learning by having a go.
- Active learning - This is where children will concentrate and keep trying, even when it is hard and they experience difficulty.
- Creating and thinking critically - This is where children develop their own ideas, make links and develop their own strategy to do something.
Our EYFS Policy
Intent, Implementation and Impact
This is our intent and implementation for EYFS at Cherry Fold.
Statutory framework for EYFS...
Key documents...
At Cherry Fold we use Development Matters as the main document to support our curriculum. There is also the document Birth to 5 which is used to support key elements of our curriculum.
Our Curriculum.
Below is the long term overview for Nursery and the long term overview for Reception. Our curriculum is planned around key texts, children's interests and key skills we want our children to learn. We plan for experiences and enrichment ideas and our planning is a working document that changes as our children change.
What to expect when...
This is a document to support parents and carers in understanding the development of children in EYFS and what they can do to support this.
Here are some websites that you can use to help your child learn at home.
www.topmarks.co.uk - look in the Early Years section
www.phonicsplay.co.uk - look in the phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 section
BBC Nursery Rhymes - Google search - These are songs that you can sing at home with your child.
If you have any that you use at home with your child please let the class teacher know.
Walk and talk
Have a look at this initiative that promotes communication and language with your child. Download one and have a try!